I Tried the Family Circle App - Here’s Why I Will Never Go Back to Other Social Media Platforms

By Amanda Thompson | LearnSaving
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To be honest, I can’t believe how I used to share family photos before I started using the Family Circle App.

We all share photos of our family online. But as I’ve become a new mom, something’s changed. I’m always a bit anxious about sharing photos of my baby on Facebook and Instagram. It’s scary to think that your photos can be out there for anyone to see. There are some creepy people out in the world! You never know who might be looking at pictures of your child on popular social media platforms.

Plus, almost every picture on these popular social media apps seems to be too perfect. I mean, people show only the best photos and videos on there. No real-life moments, only a small, carefully curated piece of their daily life. For every perfect photo of my baby, there are at least a hundred other photos I just couldn’t possibly share with random people. For many reasons.

Like most moms, I almost always found myself with a smartphone full of photos and videos of my precious baby. But I just didn’t want the whole world to see these personal moments. Who would want to plaster their kid all over Facebook and Instagram?

Not to mention, I am well aware that my Facebook friends and Instagram followers don’t want or need to see every single random picture of my baby. I get it, they’re not interested in my baby’s potty or bath pictures. But my parents sure are.

Because of this, my husband and I have issues with certain family members. They don’t understand why we don’t want a thousand photos of our baby on social media. With the ongoing global pandemic, this issue became even worse.

Most of our family members can’t even visit us in person. My husband’s parents live near us, so they have a chance to see our baby. But my parents live far across the country. So, they are always asking for daily updates and pictures of the baby.

That’s why I started to look for an alternative on how to privately share pictures and videos of my new little one with our loved ones. I stumbled upon this app that was created by parents who had the same concerns and issues as me. They decided to solve them with this app. These parents created the app to use for themselves, not for big corporations who sell your data and profit from ads. And the best part is that this app is now available to the public!

How Does This App Work?

Family Circle App is a free, safe, and private platform where you can share the most precious moments with your loved ones. You choose who to invite into the family circle, so only the people you invite and approve can see what you’re sharing! Parents can share all their favorite memories with family and friends safely within the app. Without any worry.


This app works very similar to Facebook - except it is only for your small family and friends circle. And there are no ads! You can upload photos and videos, comment, and like other circle members’ posts. It even organizes your posts for you. There’s an in-built family group chat with text and voice messages. You can also chat directly with other family members.  It’s a safe, private place for your family’s stuff online. And it’s all for FREE!

There are no annoying intrusive ads, and it doesn’t sell your data to advertisers, unlike Facebook or Instagram. This app makes sharing memories with your family simple and safe- it cares about your security.

"The Family Circle App is just perfect for spamming the people who really want to see thousands of pictures of your baby without making any of your Facebook friends roll their eyes every time you post a new baby picture."

It’s Easy to Use

This app is extremely easy to use. All I had to do was to download the app (totally free!) on the App Store (it’s also available on Google Play Store for Android users) and sign up. From there I added people I wanted to be in my family circle by email. Once they have received the invitations, they also downloaded the app through my invitation and signed up. That’s it. My family and I were free to share our memories privately and securely!

This is the perfect app for grandparents because it’s so easy to use! They know that whenever they open the Family App, all they’re gonna see is their family and not some random people. And it not only helps us keep in touch—it helps us all feel a little bit closer.

How Did I Like It?

I absolutely love this app. And I don’t think I will ever go back to Facebook or Instagram for sharing my private family moments. After using this app for a few months all I can say it’s amazing! I love that everyone in my family can use this app. From my 80+-year-old grandparents to my friends. My grandparents can now see pictures of their great-grandchild anytime they want to! And it’s perfect for posting my baby’s pictures because my grandparents can watch them grow each week/month!

This app is just such a relief. It’s an easy way to control who sees photos of our baby. And family members can't complain, because they can still comment on and see everything. I can share pics of my newborn with family who haven't been able to see her at all during the pandemic, it has really helped them feel closer to her.

The Family Circle App is just perfect for spamming the people who really want to see thousands of pictures of your baby without making any of your Facebook friends roll their eyes every time you post a new baby picture.

Also, I’m sure your children will appreciate it in 10-15 years. Most teenagers would be embarrassed to have a million pictures of them as a baby floating around the internet.


How Can I Join?

It’s so easy to join and it’s COMPLETELY FREE! Just download the app on the App Store or Google Play and sign up for your FREE account. Start uploading your photos and videos to share with your family and friends privately and securely! I promise you; you’ll be happy with the results.

Check it out here:

Or download by clicking the link: 

iPhone users: click here to get the Family Circle App for free

Android users: click here to get the Family Circle App for free